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Australian Lunar Gold $15 (1/10 oz), Circulation Strikes (1996-present)

Exact Match
1996 Rat0
1997 Ox0
1998 Tiger1
1999 Rabbit0
2000 Dragon0
2001 Snake0
2002 Horse0
2003 Goat0
2004 Monkey0
2005 Rooster0
2006 Dog0
2007 Pig0
2008 Mouse0
2009 Ox0
2010-P Tiger0
2011-P Rabbit1
2012-P Dragon0
2013-P Snake0
2014-P Horse0
2015-P Goat0
2016-P Monkey0
2017-P Rooster0
2018-P Dog0
2022-P Tiger 0
2019-P Pig0
2020-P Mouse0
2021-P Ox0
2023-P Rabbit0
2024-P Dragon0
Disclaimer: We are doing our best to find as many coins as possible to help complete your collection, but these listings are pulled from a variety of sources and may not always be perfect. Please double-check all listings on the original site before purchase. We do not guarantee the authenticity or quality of any collectible that is not certified by Collectors Universe.
Days Listed