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British Crown Date Set, Circulation Strikes and Proof (1818-1965)

Exact Match
1818 George IV1
1819 George IV6
1820 George IV3
1821 George IV1
1822 George IV0
1844 Victoria6
1845 Victoria6
1847 Victoria1
1887 Victoria14
1888 Victoria0
1889 Victoria4
1890 Victoria2
1891 Victoria1
1892 Victoria3
1893 Victoria7
1894 Victoria0
1895 Victoria0
1896 Victoria1
1897 Victoria5
1898 Victoria0
1899 Victoria0
1900 Victoria2
1902 Edward3
1928 George V5
1929 George V0
1930 George V0
1931 George V2
1932 George V0
1933 George V1
1934 George V0
1935 George V Silver Jubilee4
1936 George V0
1937 George VI1
1951 George VI Prooflike2
1953 Elizabeth II Coronation4
1960 Elizabeth II New York Exhibition0
1965 Elizabeth II Sir Winston Churchill5
1935 George V Silver Jubilee SP5
1965 Elizabeth II Sir Winston Churchill SP0
1821 George IV PR0
1822 George IV PR0
1826 George IV PR0
1831 William IV PR1
1839 Victoria PR0
1844 Victoria PR0
1845 Victoria PR0
1847 Victoria PR1
1853 Victoria PR0
1887 Victoria PR1
1893 Victoria PR3
1902 Edward Matte PR7
1927 George V PR5
1928 George V PR1
1929 George V PR0
1930 George V PR0
1931 George V PR0
1932 George V PR1
1933 George V PR0
1934 George V PR0
1935 George V Silver Jubilee PR2
1936 George V PR0
1937 George VI PR4
1951 George VI PR2
1953 Elizabeth II Coronation PR6
1960 Elizabeth II New York Exhibition PR2
Disclaimer: We are doing our best to find as many coins as possible to help complete your collection, but these listings are pulled from a variety of sources and may not always be perfect. Please double-check all listings on the original site before purchase. We do not guarantee the authenticity or quality of any collectible that is not certified by Collectors Universe.
Days Listed